Rapid Meperidine Detox under sedation is a medical detoxification treatment offered by All Opiates Detox for patients dependent on the opiate Meperidine (generic name Meperidine).

Rapid opiate detox consists of sedating the patient and removing the opiate Meperidine from the brain receptor while the patient is sleeping. Acute withdrawals are precipitated with an opiate blocker. These withdrawals will pass during the sedation period. Once the withdrawals are over, and the brain receptors are free of the opiate codeine, a blocker is placed to prevent any opiates from getting back into the brain receptor.
The blocker of choice used at All Opiates Detox is an implant. Dr. George prefers the Naltrexone implant blocker for several reasons. First, the Naltrexone implant lasts approximately two months, as opposed to Vivitrol (lasts about 28 days) or tablets (have to be taken daily). Another reason our physicians prefer the Naltrexone blocker implant over the injection is for patients that may not be able to tolerate Naltrexone due to side effects, sensitivity or allergies. The implant can be removed from under the skin, whereas the injection stays in the body for about 28 days and therefore cannot be removed once it is administered. It is recommended to stay on Naltrexone maintenance therapy for at least one year to allow the brain to heal from the damage caused by the drug use and abuse.

Aftercare consisting of the Naltrexone opiate blocker, psychotherapy, and 12 step programs are recommended to ensure long-term abstinence and success.


Painless, Rapid 3-Day Opiate Detox

Psychological symptoms of withdrawals from Meperidine include agitation, anxiety, depression, disorientation, insomnia, and irritability.
Talk to us about family members and financing (800) 458-8130

Aftercare consisting of the Naltrexone opiate blocker, psychotherapy, and 12 step programs are recommended to ensure long-term abstinence and success.

Patients wanting to be totally opiate free reach out to us. We detox all opiates, rather than substituting one opiate with another opiate.

Meperidine DETAILS

Meperidine (Also sold under the brand name Demerol) is an opiate used for moderate to severe pain. Meperidine injection was widely used in hospitals for labor and delivery. Its use (for labor) dropped tremendously due to its potential drug interactions and toxic metabolite. Meperidine is available in tablets, oral solution, and injection. It has a very rapid onset of action, 1 minute for the injection and 15-45 minutes for the oral. The duration of only two to four hours following administration is short when compared to Morphine. Meperidine is a Schedule II drug since it has a high potential for addiction and abuse.

Identify Meperidine Package Label


Common side effects include constipation, drowsiness, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Due to its metabolite, norpethidine, Meperidine has unique, severe side effects, unlike other opiates. These additional, severe side effects include delirium dysphoria, seizures, tremor, and serotonin syndrome.


Similar to other opiates, physical symptoms of Meperidine (Meperidine) withdrawal include chills, headache, hypertension (high blood pressure), muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, sweating and watery eyes.

Psychological symptoms of withdrawals from Meperidine include agitation, anxiety, depression, disorientation, insomnia, and irritability.

Meperidine OVERDOSE

Meperidine overdose symptoms include bluish fingertips and lips, blurred vision, cold or clammy skin, confusion, hallucinations, slow heartbeat, small pupils, twitching, loss of consciousness, coma and death.

Meperidine ABUSE

Meperidine may be abused more than other prescription opiates since it has a fast onset of action. Improper use and abuse of Meperidine can lead to dependence, tolerance, and addiction. Opiates can be habit-forming, causing not only physical, but also psychological dependence. Withdrawals (vomiting) may occur if the dose of the opiates is reduced or discontinued after long-term use.

Using opiates for an extended period can lead to tolerance, where the user needs to increase the dosage of their opiates to achieve the desired effect, whether the desired effect is pain control or euphoria.

Once the patient develops a tolerance, it becomes even more difficult to stop using due to the withdrawals. Symptoms of withdrawals are an indication of physical dependence and addiction to the opiate Meperidine (Meperidine). Most patients describe withdrawals as the worst, most frightening experience one will ever encounter. One can only imagine the excruciating pain when the opiate user says that they’d rather die than go through the withdrawals. Meperidine physical dependence symptoms, such as withdrawals, lead to psychological dependence. That is when addiction takes over the mind and life of the meperidine opiate user.


Painless, Rapid 3-Day Opiate Detox

Psychological symptoms of withdrawals from Meperidine include agitation, anxiety, depression, disorientation, insomnia, and irritability.
Talk to us about family members and financing (800) 458-8130


Why Choose All Opiates Detox?

  • Fast 3-Day Opiate Detox
  • Board Certified Medical Doctors
  • State-of-the-art Facility
  • FDA Approved Treatment
  • Financing Available

Contact us today we are available 24/7 to take your call. We always love to talk to friends and family members of dependents as well.

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