Rapid Heroin Detox under sedation is a medical detoxification treatment offered by All Opiates Detox for patients dependent on Heroin.
The conventional, common way to detox patients addicted to heroin is the MAT or MMT programs. MAT (medication-assisted treatment) with Subutex, Suboxone, Zubsolv and other buprenorphine-containing opiate medications. MMT (methadone medication treatment) with Methadone is used as replacement therapy for the heroin-dependent patient. Since Methadone and Buprenorphine are opiates, the patient is still dependent on opioids with this replacement therapy. Once in the program, patients feel like they are locked in, not able to stop, and have to commit to driving daily to get their dose. Basically, it is trading one opiate for the other. Consequently, the patient will still be dependent on the opiates Buprenorphine and Methadone and will go through withdrawals when it is discontinued. Withdrawals are very painful and can last weeks after stopping Buprenorphine or even months after the last dose of Methadone (the most extended acting of all the opiates which also collects in your
bones and tissues).
Patients wanting to be totally opiate free reach out to us. We detox all opiates, rather than substituting one opiate with another opiate.
Rapid Heroin Detox under sedation is a medical detoxification treatment offered by All Opiates Detox for patients dependent on Heroin. It consists of sedating the patient and removing Heroin from the brain receptor while the patient is sleeping. Acute withdrawals are precipitated with an opiate blocker. These withdrawals will pass during the sedation period. Once the withdrawals are over and the brain receptors are free of the opiate Heroin, a blocker is placed to prevent any opiates from getting back into the brain receptor. The Naltrexone blocker will reduce cravings and prevent relapse.
Of all the opiates that are abused, Heroin is the most difficult to give up due to the cravings. All Opiates Detox under sedation is the only program that uses a Naltrexone blocker as soon as patients are free of opiates, thereby preventing cravings and blocking any opioids from getting back into the brain receptors.
The blocker of choice used at All Opiates Detox is an implant. Dr. George prefers the Naltrexone implant blocker for several reasons. First, the Naltrexone implant lasts approximately 2 months, as opposed to Vivitrol (lasts about 28 days) or tablets (have to be taken daily). Another reason our physicians prefer the implant over the injection is for patients that may not be able to tolerate Naltrexone due to side effects, sensitivity or allergies. The implant can be removed from under the skin, whereas the injection stays in the body for about 28 days and therefore cannot be removed once it is administered. It is recommended to remain on Naltrexone maintenance therapy for at least one year to allow the brain to heal from the damage caused by the drug use and abuse.
Aftercare consisting of the Naltrexone opiate blocker, psychotherapy, and 12 step programs are recommended to ensure long-term abstinence and success.
Kody’s Experience of Rapid Detox
The opiate detox treatment is safely performed in our state-of-the-art medical/surgical facility in Wyandotte, Michigan.
All Opiates Detox is the nation’s only rapid drug detox facility with Board-Certified Medical Doctors, who have over 25 years combined experience in the field of opiate addiction.
Painless, Rapid 3-Day Opiate Detox
Talk to us about family members and financing (800) 458-8130
Aftercare consisting of the Naltrexone opiate blocker, psychotherapy, and 12 step programs are recommended to ensure long-term abstinence and success.
Patients wanting to be totally opiate free reach out to us. We detox all opiates, rather than substituting one opiate with another opiate.
Heroin is an illegal opiate obtained off the street. Heroin was first made in the lab in 1874 from Morphine, which is an alkaloid that is extracted from the opium in poppy seed and is grown in Asia, Mexico, Afganistan, and Colombia. About 65% of the opium is produced in Afghanistan. 75% of the world’s heroin is consumed in the United States.

There are side effects from injecting heroin, especially when sharing needles. These include hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and HIV. At the site of injection, abscesses might develop. With intravenous use bacteria could be administered into the bloodstream. Such bacteria could vegetate in the heart valves resulting in damage which might also lead to congestive heart failure requiring emergency
heart surgery.
Heroin withdrawal syndrome could start a few hours after missing a dose since it is a short-acting opioid. Withdrawals would begin with sniffles, anxiety, restlessness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, agitation, jerking, shaking and hallucinations. These withdrawals will lead the user to seek heroin again or other opiates or drugs to get rid of these withdrawals.
The first heroin injection will lead to a very high euphoric feeling. With subsequent use, that perception is diminished with each dose, and other stress factors start building up in the brain which ultimately result in tolerance. Tolerance will result in raising the heroin dose to chase that first high. It is this behavior that will lead to overdose. Overdose will result in somnolence, shallow breathing, poor responsiveness and if not rescued will lead to death. To interrupt this overdose that could lead to death Narcan, a short-acting opiate blocker is the rescue medicine used to wake up the user and get them to start breathing so they can then be transported to the hospital. Narcan is available without prescription at the pharmacies so that family members can intervene and prevent death of their loved ones.
Heroin ABUSE
Heroin is a potent opioid. Heroin users experience the best high for the very first time use. This high euphoric effect will lead to continued use to chasing what is called “the first high.” Consequently, that will lead to tolerance, then dependence, which will ultimately result in addiction. Less than 70% of heroin is injected intravenously, about 24% is taken nasally, and the rest is smoked. Since Heroin is a short-acting opiate, it is used more frequently than other opiates.
Painless, Rapid 3-Day Opiate Detox
65% of the opium is produced in Afghanistan. 75% of the world’s heroin is consumed in the United States.
Talk to us about family members and financing (800) 458-8130
Why Choose All Opiates Detox?
- Painless Withdrawal
- Fast 3-Day Opiate Detox
- Board Certified Medical Doctors
- State-of-the-art Facility
- FDA Approved Treatment
- Financing Available